Is Fx Herbals effective against chronic infections?
Fx Herbals uses the natural anti-microbial properties of common naturopathic medicine ingredients to
suppress the bacterial load being carried in the body. The broad-spectrum daily supplement also
supports your body’s natural ability to fight pathogens. bacteria and co-infections present in a wide range of common chronic infections, including Lyme Disease.
What are the ingredients in Fx Vital?
Other Ingredients: Cane Ethanol, Vegetable Glycerine, and Filtered Water.
What is the source of the phospholipids? If it is soy-based, can a person with soy allergy use Fx Vital?
The Phospolipids are soy based but contain no soy proteins thus soy allergies should not be affected
(please consult your physician).
Does Fx Vital contain phosphatidylcholine or is it a blend of phospholipids?
Fx Vital uses 100% phosphatidylcholine which is an alcohol soluble source. *
Should Fx Vital be kept refrigerated?
Fx Vital does not need to be refrigerated.
How does Fx Vital work?
Additionally, our signature liposomal preparation of the herbs – where we encapsulate them in little bubbles of fat – delivers powerful antimicrobial ingredients directly to the source of the infection in the body. Liposomal herbs can be absorbed directly into the lymphatic system – where the common Lyme- causing bacteria are found – and can pass through the blood-brain barrier to target brain fog and other neurological issues.
Do Fx Herbals products cause side effects?
No, Fx Herbals products are formulated from 100% natural ingredients with low-toxicity levels and few
known side effects.
Why do you primarily sell Fx Vital as an ongoing subscription?
It’s very important to stay on track with Fx Vital to get the long-term benefits of bacterial, and viral
support that the simple herbal regimen provides. You should take the recommended dose every day.
We make it easy for our users, so they don’t have to think about when to place their next order for the
following month.
If I am a doctor or licensed practitioner, how do I order Fx Vital for my practice?
Is Fx Vital a standalone product for someone dealing with a chronic illness?
Fx Vital is an all-natural herbal supplement for anyone who wants to feel good, despite dealing with
chronic infections. It’s unique, one-of-a-kind formula has many different applications. If you have
serious concerns, please consult your physician. *
Given that Fx Vital contains Cilantro, can it be used by those with amalgam fillings or with a heavy metal issue?
Cilantro is a great natural chelator. It is used in small amounts in Fx Vital. Anyone with amalgams
should use caution with any chelator. This is a natural addition to anyone who needs to gently detox
from heavy metals. *
Since Fx Vital contains Artemisia Annua, can I still take CoQ10 or milk thistle or should these be avoided?
Yes, we have not had any reported issues with mixing these supplements with Fx Vital.
Some suggest that artemisinin, an isolate from Artemisia Annua, should not be taken for a long period of time without a break to maximize its effectiveness. Is a break of any kind required with Fx Vital?
Artemisia has shown to be safe long term however; it is often recommended to take a supplement
break when you are on a long-term regimen (please consult your physician). *
Can I use Fx Vital alongside prescribed antibiotic treatments?
Yes, Fx Vital is a complementary supplement that supports natural immunity in people with chronic
bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. It can be used safely alongside standard pharmaceutical
treatments to boost your body’s natural ability to fight pathogens (please consult your physician).
What is the general dosing for Fx Vital?
For adults, 1 ml a day (1 dropper full).
For children, 1⁄2 ml a day (1/2 dropper). (Please consult your physician before giving to a small child). *
Start with 1⁄2 dropper mixed with 8 oz of water with breakfast. After 3 days, take 1⁄2 dropper in 8 oz of
water with breakfast and another 1⁄2 dropper with dinner.
How long can I take Fx Herbals products for?
Fx Herbals include natural ingredients with low-toxicity levels. That means our products are safe to
take on a daily basis for extended periods of time. As long as you need them, our products are available
to you.
As with all naturopathic treatments you will need to take Fx Vital regularly for at least 30-90 days
before you start to see definitive results.
Where can I buy Fx Vital?

Who is Dr. Geoffrey Robinson?
I am a Licensed Acupuncturist and Chiropractor in Scottsdale, AZ. I am a certified ART practitioner of Applied Kinesiology with an incorporation of Integrative nutritional medicine and Clinical Nutrigenomics. But have also been privileged to help patients recover from some of the most challenging health disorders such as MS, Cancer, Lyme Disease, Mold toxin Illness, Hashimotos, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Colitis, and Fibromyalgia to name a few
A Powerful Formula.

Fx Vital
A potent blend of vital ingredients for supporting your body’s own natural ability to fight against chronic infection. Finally, the perfect broad-spectrum formula to simplify your daily herbal protocol.
*DISCLAIMER: The FDA has not evaluated these statements. If you have any general questions please call customer service at 800-778-3422 and/or consult a physician.